Physical protection

Description of the function

Physical protection

  • Register of concluded contracts
  • List of security staff
  • Register of issued ID cards
  • Keeping the books of performance of the contract
  • Inspectors and agents teams
  • Planning service graphics
  • Equipment facilities, own / customer
  • Files of devices downloaded to the facility and agents
  • Access to contracts, security plans, reports
  • Separation of posts on objects
  • Security reports for objects and agents
  • Invoicing all processes
  • Calculation of wages

Workers’ equipment

Each security officer or coordinator has his personal file with the records of articles taken from the warehouse. The coordinator’s data shows what he downloaded for his personal equipment, and what to equip his subjects. Thanks to this, the company has control over its assets, also after being released from the warehouse.

Hours and salaries worked

The Physical Protection (Ochrona) application may charge hours or amounts to be paid to security staff employed under a contract of employment or order. In the case of full-time jobs, if detailed monthly graphics are recorded, the system may charge night hours and charge or warn overtime hours. It is also possible to collectively record the time worked on the site by an employee, without the necessity of whether he was working on a full-time or commissioned basis.

Keeping work standards

When planning protection, if monthly graphics are used, the company may introduce rules restricting the freedom of coordinators when planning protection. An example can be eliminating on-call duties of the same person on several objects at the same time, maximum on-call duty not exceeding 24 hours, etc. There are also possible warnings for graphic designers, for example too many working Sundays, or exceeding the regular period for the settlement period.

Service provision management

The Physical Protection program introduces a new quality into the work of the company’s management. The program records objects with physical protection, contracts, graphic protection dimension. Based on the data in the program, you know which employees and when they were in the facility, how many hours they worked and how much they earned and what was the profit from the facility.

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