
  • Settlement of the quantity and value of the equipment
  • Constant supervision over warehouse states
  • Documentation WZ, RW, MM, PZ
  • Settlement of installers and service technicians based on protocols
  • Device files entrusted to installers and service technicians
  • Device files issued for the facility
  • Precise and quick determination of cost centers
  • Forecast of necessary purchases for orders
  • Control over the release of equipment in accordance with the principle of “first in – first out”
  • Easy and fast inventory
  • Reports for the accounting department

Object and personal files

Each event is recorded in the object’s directory for which the articles are intended and in the employee’s file collecting items from the magazine. The same applies to returns. Thanks to this, in each program you can check what is the current equipment of the facility without having to register this equipment separately. You can also check how much the company has invested in equipping physical protection facilities and uniforming security staff.

Orders to suppliers

From the Warehouse program, you can print orders previously issued in the Technical Department, based on orders, for which there is not enough stock in the warehouse. Warehouse workers can also determine the minimal states of articles and print statements of articles missing for the execution of already issued orders.

Quantitative and valuable settlement

Warehouse management is conducted according to the “first in – first out” rule. It is possible in specific cases to choose a specific batch, and, consequently, the price of the article issued. The warehouse program is equipped with documents and inventory reports. Warehouses can be run in many locations, for example in branches.


In addition to typical inventory combinations, many other reports are available, including equipment for service technicians, installers and security personnel. There are also available article aging reports in the magazine, as well as cross-sectional reports on stocks in all warehouses.

Handling of orders

Employees in the warehouse receive orders from the Technical Department or Physical Protection, where they are given to whom and when to publish articles and on which object. On the basis of the material specification included in the order of warehouse workers, at the click of a mouse, he issues an outgoing document: WZ or RW.

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